Family medicine and Emergency Medicine

Family medicine, or family practice, is a medical specialty devoted to comprehensive health care for people of all ages. The specialist is named a family physician or family doctor. It is often referred to as general practice and a practitioner as a general practice doctor or GP. This name emphasizes the holistic nature of this speciality, as well as its roots in the family. Family practice is a division of primary care that provides continuing and comprehensive health care for the individual and family across all ages, genders, diseases, and parts of the body.

60 + Specialities

Consult with top doctors across specialitiesss

Resourceful articles

Our Initiation

We have been organizing webinar and seminars to spread knowlegde regarding COVID Nationally

Home Isolation Care

Our Dedicated medical team provide Home Isolation Care for the mildly symptomic as well as asymptomatic COVID Patients

Webinar Safety

We will provide each and everyone a safety guidelines

Covid Learning Materials

We will provide Authentic resources to keep you safety and informed